At Kalsi & Associates Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers have an extensive experience when dealing with Brain injury.
Source: Brain Injury Association Sudbury & District states, "In Ontario, 44 people sustain a brain injury EVERY DAY."
Motor vehicle accident is the leading cause of brain injury in Canada with over 45% of cases of brain injury are caused by accidents on the road. Amongst other causes of brain injury are listed below according the statistics of Canada:
The leading causes of brain injury are as follows:
- Motor Vehicle accidents (45%)
- Slips and falls (10%)
- Bicycle accidents (10%)
- Injuries in the workplace (10%)
- Sports, activities, or physical altercations/assault (10%)
- Medical Conditions (10%)
- Poison or toxins (5%)
When it happens, as brain injuries are more serious than other accidental injuries. For more information on brain injury and related to this topic, be sure to read the following articles on Kalsi & Associates website:
1. BRAIN INJURIES AFTER AN ACCIDENT: https://kalsilaw.bluehat.hosting/brain-injuries- after-an-accident/
2. DETERMING THE SEVERITY OF AN INJURY: https://kalsilaw.bluehat.hosting/determining-the-severity-of-an-injury/
3. 10 COMMON MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT INJURIES: https://kalsilaw.bluehat.hosting/10-common-motor-vehicle-accident-injuries/
4. BRAMPTON PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER URGES AWARENESS OF CONCUSSION SYMPTOMS, CONSEQUENCES: https://kalsilaw.bluehat.hosting/brampton-personal-injury-lawyer-urges-awareness-of-accidental-concussion-symptoms-consequences/
As per the Brain Injury Association of Canada (BIAC) states that about “1.5 million people in Canada are living with a brain injury.” Often these are extremely serious and debilitating so being prepared early with the right questions about your coverage and claims in the first step after your injury.
Each year just in Ontario alone, “ between 1600 & 2500 people are left with physical, intellectual or behavioural consequences severe enough to interfere with their activities of daily living." This kind of injury you need an injury lawyer, Kalsi & Associates are leading lawyers when it comes to providing legal guidance relating to brain injury.
Such injury claims need extra dedication to ensure you get what you deserve and are assisted when it's most crucial.
At Kalsi & Associates, understanding pain and seriousness of injury is the first response of professional lawyers and associate staff members when handling brain injury. Contact Kalsi & Associates for Free Consultation, for no question is too small or too big, consult FREE at 1 (844) 905-2993 or apply for a consultation online .
“We are here to support you. We care for every one of our clients. Count on us to
give the utmost importance to each case and be there every step of the way.”