Toronto police last week arrested a 27-year-old Oshawa man now facing charges in a fatal hit-and-run accident.
Jesse Petroff ended the life of a 50-year-old woman, later identified by family as Isabel Soria, when his Dodge Ram pickup truck struck her around 3 p.m. on June 11 at the intersection of Dufferin Street and Briar Hill Avenue. Police said surveillance footage and still, photos confirmed the driver left his stopped vehicle and approached the victim but immediately got back into his vehicle and fled the scene. Clear photos of the vehicle released Thursday accompanying a plea for citizens to provide any relevant information about its whereabouts and driver led to an arrest later that day.
Petroff now faces charges of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death, criminal negligence causing death, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and failure to stop at the scene of an accident causing death.